《三体》里汪淼和沙瑞山在宇宙空间尺度上见证了背景辐射的闪烁。关于边界元 CUDA 算法的实现,我在三个月的时间尺度上见证了“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”。



Sometimes the real cause of some error is hidden beneath the surface, or even outside the realm of our seemingly rigorous and perfect logic. This is because not all the internal or innermost mechanism and system logic are presented to us, either due to the encapsulation of technical details by the product manufacturer, or due to our limited knowledge, experience and crafts. For most of the time, our logical and rational thinking cannot be fully relied upon. Our mission is to enlarge its fidelity and applicability through in-depth thinking and hard working.