• Use ibuffer-mode to manage many opened buffers in batch, since they can be marked using regular expressions.
  • Started to migrate large work journals from Org subtrees to independent org-roam notes using the function org-roam-extract-subtree. This will reduce the file size and heading levels in the Org file. After a work journal has been migrated, a link to it should be created as a heading below a related category in the original Org file. This is to realize the concept of note index in the Zettelkasten method.

    Meanwhile, a timestamp should be attached to this link, so that this note will appear in the Org agenda. Because independent org-roam notes have their file names prefixed with timestamps, we can also review notes taken each day or each week in the file explorer.

  • Installed the highlight-indent-guides package to visualize the hierarchy of Org items. Sometimes the items are deeply nested, which is difficult to navigate.
  • Since I do not directly export my Org notes to HTML, I’ve replaced all #+ATTR_HTML attributes that are used for specifying the width of inline images with #+ATTR_ORG. This new keyword only controls the display size of the inline images.