According to my experience, a feasible work flow for exporting Org mode contents including math equations to markdown (either used for GitHub Pages or Gitlab) needs three steps.

  1. Export the Org mode contents to a LaTeX file.
  2. Convert the LaTeX file to GFM markdown format using pandoc, which also handles the citation of bibliography.

    pandoc -f latex -t gfm --bibliography <bibtex-file> -o <markdown-file> <latex-file>

    <2024-06-15 Sat> N.B. gfm should not be used in Debian Bookworm, otherwise math symbols will not be exported as LaTeX but as UTF-8 characters. Use markdown instead.

  3. Make LaTeX equations in the markdown file suitable for the kramdown grammar adopted by Jekyll used in GitHub Pages and KaTeX provided by Gitlab.

    With kramdown, both inline and display math equations should be wrapped between double-dollars, except that the double-dollars for display equations should be on independent lines and separated from surrounding paragraphs with additional empty lines.

    With KaTeX in Gitlab, for best compatibility of equation rendering, inline equations should be placed within $`...`$ instead of $...$, while display equations should be wrapped in the source code block

    instead of double-dollars.
    I use Awk script to help me with the above processing.
    -   For GitHub Pages
            # Replace inline equation wrappers.
            gsub(/\\\(/, "$$");
            gsub(/\\\)/, "$$");
            # Replace the beginning display equation wrapper.
            if (match($0, /^(\s*)\\\[\s*$/, match_spaces) != 0) {
                # If there is only \[ in the line.
                # Get the prefixed spaces to ensure correct indentation.
                prefix_spaces = match_spaces[1];
                $0 = gensub(/^(\s*)\\\[\s*$/, "\n" prefix_spaces "$$", 1);
            else if (match($0, /^(\s*)\\\[\s*/, match_spaces) != 0) {
                # If \[ is in a same line with the equation text.
                # Get the prefixed spaces to ensure correct indentation.
                prefix_spaces = match_spaces[1];
                $0 = gensub(/^(\s*)\\\[\s*/, "\n\\1$$\n" prefix_spaces, 1);
            # Replace the ending display equation wrapper.
            if (match($0, /^\s*\\\]\s*$/) != 0) {
                # If there is only \] in the line.
                $0 = gensub(/^\s*\\\]\s*$/, prefix_spaces "$$\n", 1);
                prefix_spaces = "";
            else if (match($0, /\\\]\s*/) != 0) {
                # If \] is in a same line with the equation text, add prefix spaces first to
                # this line. Then move \] to the new line.
                $0 = gensub(/^(.*\\\]\s*)$/, prefix_spaces "\\1", 1);
                $0 = gensub(/\\\]\s*/, "\n" prefix_spaces "$$\n", 1);
                prefix_spaces = "";
            # Process bibliography item.
            $0 = gensub(/^(<div id="ref-.+)>$/, "\\1 markdown=\"1\">", 1);
            print prefix_spaces $0;
    -   For Gitlab
            # Replace inline equation wrappers.
            gsub(/\\\(/, "$`");
            gsub(/\\\)/, "`$");
            # Replace the beginning display equation wrapper.
            if (match($0, /^(\s*)\\\[\s*$/, match_spaces) != 0) {
                # If there is only \[ in the line.
                # Get the prefixed spaces to ensure correct indentation.
                prefix_spaces = match_spaces[1];
                $0 = gensub(/^(\s*)\\\[\s*$/, "\n" prefix_spaces "```math", 1);
            else if (match($0, /^(\s*)\\\[\s*/, match_spaces) != 0) {
                # If \[ is in a same line with the equation text.
                # Get the prefixed spaces to ensure correct indentation.
                prefix_spaces = match_spaces[1];
                $0 = gensub(/^(\s*)\\\[\s*/, "\n\\1```math\n" prefix_spaces, 1);
            # Replace the ending display equation wrapper.
            if (match($0, /^\s*\\\]\s*$/) != 0) {
                # If there is only \] in the line.
                $0 = gensub(/^\s*\\\]\s*$/, prefix_spaces "```\n", 1);
                prefix_spaces = "";
            else if (match($0, /\\\]\s*/) != 0) {
                # If \] is in a same line with the equation text, add prefix spaces first to
                # this line. Then move \] to the new line.
                $0 = gensub(/^(.*\\\]\s*)$/, prefix_spaces "\\1", 1);
                $0 = gensub(/\\\]\s*/, "\n" prefix_spaces "```\n", 1);
                prefix_spaces = "";
            # Process bibliography item.
            $0 = gensub(/^(<div id="ref-.+)>$/, "\\1 markdown=\"1\">", 1);
            print prefix_spaces $0;
    Then execute the command:
    gawk -i inplace -f <awk-script> <markdown-file>

There is still the problem that math environments such as theorem, definition, proposition, etc. cannot be exported to markdown preserving the original format.

Backlinks: 《Definitive solution for converting LaTeX in Org mode to markdown》