My old lstlisting setting related to source code style is as below.


We can see an mbox (which can also be hbox) is used as the postbreak for line wrapping. When this setting is used in Beamer, there will be a compilation error, which provides no useful information about the cause.

ERROR: Missing number, treated as zero.

--- TeX said ---
<to be read again> 
l.23     auto 
              obj_func =

Solution: define a new box as below.


My final configuration is like this, which depends on the document class type, since the said problem does not appear when the document class is different from beamer, such as article.


Meanwhile, there should be no indent for the source code within a lstlisting environment, because it formats the source code in a verbatim way. However, this can be remedied by manually specifying the amount of indent in the gobble option of the lstlisting environment, such as

\begin{lstlisting}[gobble=2, language=lang]
  #include <iostream>

  int main()
    return 0;

We can also use the package lstautogobble to automatically detect the indent in the source code. To enable it, add autogobble=true to the arguments of the \lstset macro.

CAVEAT: when lstlisting environments are used in a frame, fragile or containverbatim should be added to the frame property list. For example,

\begin{lstlisting}[autogobble=true, language=C++]
  auto obj_func =
    [this, &opt_control, &opt_variables, &opt_parameters, &factors](
      const std::vector<double> &x, std::vector<double> &grad) -> double {};

Otherwise, the following error appears.

ERROR: Paragraph ended before \lstag@countleadingspaces was complete.

--- TeX said ---
<to be read again> 
l.141 \end{frame}