Generate a tag page containing related blog posts

I use the following Jekyll page template for displaying a list of blog posts assigned with a specific tag.

layout: page
title: "Tag: <tag-name>"
exclude: true

<div id="archives">
  <div class="archive-group">
    <a name="<tag-name>"></a>

N.B. The layout type in the front matter for a tag page should be page instead of post. If the default navigation menu for the blog is used, which is defined in <site-source-root>/_includes/header.html as below, the option exclude: true in the front matter is needed to prevent tag pages from appearing as menu items.

<div class="trigger">
  <!-- Comment out the default sorted categories. --></div>

In my case, I enforce a fixed order of the categories appearing in the navigation menu, hence the option exclude: true is ignored.

<div class="trigger">
  <!-- Enforce a fixed order for my categories. -->
  <a class="page-link" href="/math/">Math</a>
  <a class="page-link" href="/physics/">Physics</a>
  <a class="page-link" href="/computer/">Computer</a>
  <a class="page-link" href="/methodology/">Methodology</a>
  <a class="page-link" href="/thoughts/">Thoughts</a>
  <a class="page-link" href="/tags/">Tags</a>
  <a class="page-link" href="/about/">About</a>

A bash script is created for generating such tag page, where <tag-name> in the above template is replaced with the first Bash command line argument $1. The whole multi-line template is redirected to the standard input (stdin) of the cat command as here-document, i.e. the text between <<label and label, where labbel is EOF here.


template=$(cat <<EOF
layout: page
title: "Tag: $1"
exclude: true

<div id="archives">
  <div class="archive-group">
    <a name="$1"></a>


if [ -f "$tag_page_file" ]; then
    echo "The tag page has already existed!"
    echo "$template" > "$tag_page_file"

Generate an index page including all tags

To create an index page including hyperlinks to all the tag pages, I’ve written a Bash script as below.


front_matter=$(cat <<EOF
layout: page
title: Tags
permalink: /tags/

<div id="archives">
  <div class="archive-group">
    <h4 class="tag-head">

sorted_tag_index=`ls | xargs -I '{}' basename '{}' .html | gawk -f ../scripts/gen-tag-link.awk`

back_matter=$(cat <<EOF

echo "$front_matter" > ../tags.html
echo "$sorted_tag_index" >> ../tags.html
echo "$back_matter" >> ../tags.html

Here I use the ls command to list all tag HTML pages in the lexicographic order. This will not only order the English tag names but also Chinese tag names according to the phonetic alphabet. Then I use xargs to get the base file name of each tag page. Finally, I use an Awk script to generate a hyperlink to each tag as well as printing out the number of related blog posts.

  print "      <a href=\""$0"\">"$0"()</a>"