Plot a figure with LaTeX symbols in Octave
Adding LaTeX equations to a figure is very useful for mathematical visualization. Unlike MATLAB which has a simple tex interpreter for typesetting text labels, Octave itself does not support rendering math equations. However, by cooperating with LaTeX, Ghostscript and epstopdf
, Octave can handle this task with professional quality, which is much better than MATLAB. This is achieved by the epslatexstandalone
driver provided in the print
I adopt the following procedure to produce figures with different formats depending on the file’s extension name.
- Plot the figure and print it using the
driver. It generates an EPS file as well as a tex file that includes this EPS file. - Use
to inject a line of LaTeX code which imports my own LaTeX template. - Compile the LaTeX file into a dvi file.
- Convert the dvi file to an EPS file.
- Use Ghostscript or
command to transform the EPS file to the final target.
I’ve written a script PrintGCFLatex
to automate the above process.
function PrintGCFLatex(varargin)
## PrintGCFLatex - Print the current figure with text processed by LaTeX. The
## resulted file is generated in the current directory.
[reg, prop] = parseparams(varargin);
## Take the first number valued argument as the figure handle. If
## not specified, use the current figure.
if (length(reg) > 0)
h = reg{1};
h = gcf;
if (length(prop) > 0)
## Take the first string argument as the figure file name.
filename = prop{1};
if (length(prop) > 1)
resolution = prop{2};
resolution = 500;
error("Please provide the figure file name!");
## Get the extension of the figure file name.
[dir_name, base_name, ext_name] = fileparts(filename);
if (isempty(ext_name))
ext_name = ".png";
tex_name = cstrcat(base_name, ".tex");
dvi_name = cstrcat(base_name, ".dvi");
eps_name = cstrcat(base_name, ".eps");
## Generate an eps figure with text processed by LaTeX.
print(h, eps_name, "-depslatexstandalone");
## Use sed to insert my own LaTeX template into the tex file.
system(cstrcat("sed -i '4i \\\\\\input{octave-plot}' ", "\"", tex_name, "\""));
## Process the tex file and generate dvi file.
system(cstrcat("latex ", "\"", tex_name, "\""));
## Convert the dvi file to eps file.
system(cstrcat("dvips -E ", "\"", dvi_name, "\"", " -o ", "\"", eps_name, "\""));
## Convert the eps file to other formats using Ghostscript.
case ".jpg"
system(cstrcat("gs -dNOSAFER ", "-r", num2str(resolution), " -dBATCH -sDEVICE=jpeg -dNOPAUSE -dEPSCrop -sOutputFile=", "\"", cstrcat(base_name, ".jpg"), "\" ", "\"", eps_name, "\""));
case ".png"
## Use device png256 instead of pngalpha, which has better visualization effect.
system(cstrcat("gs -dNOSAFER ", "-r", num2str(resolution), " -dBATCH -sDEVICE=png256 -dNOPAUSE -dEPSCrop -sOutputFile=", "\"", cstrcat(base_name, ".png"), "\" ", "\"", eps_name, "\""));
case ".pdf"
system(cstrcat("epstopdf ", eps_name));
error("Figure format not implemented!");
Now, let’s plot a Gaussian function as an example, where the LaTeX equation is placed in a colored box.
cd "./figures";
x = -1:0.01:1;
y = gaussian_distribution(x, 0, 0.2^2);
figure(1, "visible", "off");
plot(x, y, 'r-', "linewidth", 3);
text(-0.5, 1, "\\colorbox{yellow}{$\\displaystyle{\\mathcal{N}(x) = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}\\sigma} \\exp\\left\\{ -\\frac{1}{2} \\frac{(x-\\mu)^2}{\\sigma^{2}} \\right\\}}$}", "fontsize", 20);
set(gca, "fontsize", 18);
grid on;
ans = "./figures/2022-11-26-gaussian.png";