When a source code block in the Org mode is exported as the HTML format, it can be typeset with syntax highlighting (By the way, for the Markdown format, this is supported by default by either a full-fledged Markdown editor or a static blog publishing system). If a line in the code contains many characters which exceeds the screen width, a horizontal scroll bar will appear for the <pre> node. However, when the source code block is exported to a LaTeX document, there is no support for syntax highlighting or word wrap by default, which makes the code uneasy to read. This problem can be solved by resorting to the ox-latex package for Emacs, which hands over the task of source code typesetting to the LaTeX package listings.

To enable the ox-latex package in Emacs, add the following code to ~/.emacs.

(require 'ox-latex)
(setq org-latex-listings t)

The configuration for listings can be set in the variable org-latex-listings-options. Here is the setting that is transcribed from the LaTeX template for my notes.

(setq org-latex-listings-options
      '(("basicstyle" "\\ttfamily")
        ("keywordstyle" "\\color{blue}\\bfseries")
        ("commentstyle" "\\color{comment-green}")
        ("stringstyle" "\\color{magenta}")
        ("columns" "fullflexible")
        ("frame" "single")
        ("breaklines" "true")
        ("postbreak" "\\mbox{\\textcolor{red}{$\\hookrightarrow$}\\space}")))

If we do not want to configure the listings package in Emacs but in the LaTeX template, so that it can also be used when we directly write tex files, we can use the \lstset macro with a bunch of options. I prefer this method over the previous one.


A snapshot of the source code exported to LaTeX is shown below, from which we can see the C++ keywords are highlighted and word wrap is enabled for long lines and properly signified with the \hookrightarrow symbol.

Source code typeset by listings package

Source code typeset by listings package